What is Reiki?
Reiki is a very specific form of energy healing, in which hands are placed just off the body or lightly touching the body, as in “laying on of hands.” Reiki can also be done “long-distance,” as a form of prayer. According to many versions of its origin, Dr Mikao Usui, a Japanese seeker of spiritual truths, brought the Reiki method of healing into human awareness in 1922 after a deep spiritual experience. He is said to have begun teaching others after a serious earthquake hit Japan and he felt urged to spread his knowledge.
In a Reiki session, the practitioner is seeking to transmit Universal Life Energy to the client. The intention is to create deep relaxation, to help speed healing, reduce pain, and decrease other symptoms you may be experiencing.
Can anyone become a Reiki practitioner?
Reiki Courses are offered all over the world. Reiki is taught to be used on the self, as it is the art of self-healing. However, all students of Reiki are eligible to teach Reiki after achieving the Master level in their studies.
Anyone can take a Reiki class. Anyone can learn it's principles. Achieving the level of Master Reiki takes quite some time outside of the classroom and being disciplined in the art form.
Do I have to be physically present for a Reiki Session?
Most practitioners perform Distance Reiki for their clients. The sessions require no log in, no phone call - absolutely no technology. The intention is set prior to the appointment and both the practitioner and the client experience the exchange of energy on the date and time set.
Kaleidoscope Wellness is only currently offering Distance Reiki in specific circumstances.
For more information on these circumstances, please send us an email.
What will I experience during my Reiki session?
Some people have reported feeling nothing at all while some have reported feeling a gentle tingling sensation in the areas in which the practitioner lightly touches or hovers. Some people have experienced a warmness or heat emanating from the practitioners hands or even felt a coldness over their body. You may even see colors or lights. There have been reports of an overflow of emotions from crying to laughing. It is encouraged to embrace those emotions and let them flow naturally.
Your body may twitch or you may feel the need to scratch an itch. It is encouraged to do so. You may even fall asleep. This is encouraged as well.
There is no wrong or right way to experience Reiki. Whatever you feel during your Reiki session is truly yours. Feeling nothing is not an indication that the energy is not moving. There are several factors that determine what is felt during a healing session. Take note of all that you experience during your session and feel free to discuss it with your practitioner afterwards.
Continuing with regular sessions will help the flow of energy throughout and thus promote the healing process.
Is Reiki a form of religion?
In short, no.
Mikao Usui taught Reiki to his students as a form of self-healing, not as a religious practice. Over time, Reiki has been weaved into Hinduism and Buddhism, but it did not originate in these religions, nor does it reside there.
Reiki cannot be folded to fit into the box that religion itself is.
Can Reiki cure my pain/ailment/disease?
Reiki is safe for all people including pregnant women, children, seniors and those who are transitioning.
Reiki practitioners use caution when working with clients who have pacemakers. It is imperative that you notify your practitioner as soon as you book your session of your pacemaker.
How do I prepare for a Reiki Session?
There isn't much required from you to prepare for your upcoming Reiki session. However there are a few things that you can do to assist you and the Universe to work together as the time nears. These things include journaling about your intentions for your upcoming session, drink extra water, wear comfortable clothing and arrive early. These four simple steps can assist you in being very clear on why you desire the session in the first place, help the flow of energy through the practitioner to you, promote comfortability as you will be laying or sitting for a while without movement and finally to encourage a mindful mindset.
It is also helpful to abstain from drinking alcohol or any other mind altering substances within 24 hours of your scheduled appointment as these substances can slow the flow of energy.
What should I expect after my session?
Again, it is important to note that each experience is different and the variations are dependent upon several factors.
You may experience common cold symptoms and you may also experience nothing at all. You may gain clarity to an issue or find a solution to a problem. You may find that pain that was once bothersome has subsided or has completely left your body.
The idea of Reiki is to allow the naturally occurring energy in the Universe to move to the areas in which you need it. It will be naturally attracted to where it needs to go. Setting intentions prior to your session and being open minded during is key to the flow of Ki (energy).